Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) Share Price and News

$189.87 $3.44 (1.8%) Friday, 20 September 2024 at 6:00:00 am Australian Eastern Standard Time

Amazon Chart and Price Data

About Amazon

Last updated 20-09-2024, 06:00:00am AEST
Current Price $189.87
Change $3.44 (1.8%)
Close Price $189.87
Open Price $190.04
Bid $189.43
Ask $189.70
Day Range $188.47 - $190.99
Year Range $118.35 - $201.20
Volume 39,543,168
Average Volume 42,398,570
Market Cap $1,992,799,572,000.00
Earnings Per Share $4.17
  • Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN)
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