Mr Peter Bailey |
Non-Executive Director |
Jun 2012 |
Mr Bailey is an experienced and qualified engineer with over 40 years of experience in the mining and industrial chemical production industry. Mr Bailey spent most of his career in the alumina chemicals and alumina refining industries. He was previously chief executive officer at Sherwin Alumina, an alumina refinery located in Texas, USA. Prior to Sherwin, in 1998 Mr Bailey was president of Alcoa Worldwide Chemicals of industrial chemicals department. In 1996, Mr Bailey was president of Alcoa Bauxite and Alumina and was responsible for 8 alumina plants outside of Australia. He was also the Chairman of the Alcoa Bauxite joint venture in Guinea, Africa. He has a solid business network throughout the global alumina industry.
Mr Luke Frederick Atkins |
Non-Executive ChairmanNon-Executive Director |
May 2007 |
Mr Atkins was a co-founder of the Company, he is a qualified mining executive and a lawyer by profession, Mr Atkins has had experience in capital raisings and has held several executive and non-executive directorships of private and publicly listed companies.
Mr Daniel Lewis Tenardi |
Non-Executive Director |
Sep 2009 |
Mr Tenardi is an experienced global resource executive with over 40 years of experience in the mining and processing sectors. During his career, Mr Tenardi spent 13 years at Alcoa's alumina refinery in Kwinana as well as the company's bauxite mines in the Darling Ranges of Western Australia. Having built networks with industry leaders in the alumina sector, Mr Tenardi provides alumina-specific industry experience. He was CEO of Ngarda Civil & Mining and has also held senior executive and operational roles at CITIC Pacific, Alcoa, Roche Mining and Rio Tinto.
Mr Ignatius (Iggy) Kim-Seng Tan |
Chief Executive OfficerManaging Director |
Aug 2014 |
Mr Tan is an experienced mining and chemical executive with a number of significant achievements in commercial mining projects such as capital raisings, funding, construction, start-ups and operations. Mr Tan has over 30 years chemical and mining experience and been an executive director of several ASX-listed companies. Mr Tan became the Company's Managing Director in August 2014. Having been involved in the commissioning and start-up of seven resource projects in Australia and overseas, including high purity technology projects. Mr Tan is a project builder and developer.
Tunku Dato' Ya'acob Bin Tunku Tan Sri Abdullah |
Non-Executive Director |
Oct 2015 |
Mr Khyra is the executive Chairman of the Melewar Khyra Group of Companies (Melewar), a Malaysian-based diversified financial and industrial services group. He is the major owner and shareholder of Melewar and sits on the boards of Khyra Legacy Berhad, Mycron Steel Berhad, MAA Group Berhad, Melewar Industrial Group Berhad, Ithmaar Bank B.S.C. (listed on Bahrain Stock Exchange) and several other private companies. He started his career as an Auditor with Price Waterhouse, London from 1982 to 1985 and subsequently joined Price Waterhouse Kuala Lumpur from 1986 to 1987. He joined Malaysian Assurance Alliance Berhad in 1987 and retired as its Chief Executive Officer in 1999. Tunku Yaacob has not held any other Australian listed company directorships in the last 3 years.
Mr Uwe Ahrens |
Alternate Director |
Oct 2015 |
Mr Ahrens is executive director of Melewar Industrial Group Berhad and Managing Director of Melewar Integrated Engineering Sdn Bhd. He also sits on the board of several other private limited companies. Upon graduation, Mr Ahrens joined the international engineering and industrial plant supplier, KOCH Transporttechnik GmbH in Germany, now belonging to FLSmidth Group, where he held a senior management position for 12 years, working predominantly in Germany, USA and South Africa. Mr Ahrens has not held any other Australian listed company directorships in the past 3 years.
Mr Hansjoerg Plaggemars |
Non-Executive Director |
Aug 2020 |
Mr Plaggemars is a member of the board of Delphi Unternehmensberatung AG and previously of Deutsche Balaton AG (ATC major shareholder) and acts as their representative. Mr Plaggemars is based in Heidelberg, Germany and is an experienced company director and manager. Mr Plaggemars has been a management consultant since June 2017 and is a board member of various companies within the scope of projects. Mr Plaggemars is currently a member of the management board of Frankfurt Stock Exchange listed Altech Advanced Materials AG. Mr Plaggemars also currently serves as a non-executive director of ASX listed Geopacific Resources Limited, Wiluna Mining Corporation, PNX Metals Limited and Patronus Resources Limited.
Mr Martin Stein |
Chief Financial OfficerCompany Secretary |
Mar 2022 |
Martin Stein |
Chief Financial OfficerCompany Secretary |