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Everlasting Income Sale

Scott Phillips—The man who’s helped thousands pick winning stocks—now says..


… If you want to retire on your terms

You may know Scott Phillips as the trusted voice of Motley Fool Australia—the man who’s helped thousands of Australians build wealth with smart stock picks.

But today, Scott has a very different message for you—one that could change the way you approach investing forever.

Because if you want a predictable, tax-effective income that puts YOU in control of your retirement…

…then here’s what you need to know about Motley Fool’s first of its kind income solution:

  • The ONLY Motley Fool portfolio built for reliable, tax effective income—without ever selling a single share.
  • A diversified, dividend focussed service—designed to turn your nest egg into monthly ‘paydays’ starting Day 1.
  • That are the same stocks Scott Phillips picked for his own mother-in-law’s retirement income

What’s more — if you act before midnight Sunday 29 December — I’d also like to give you the chance to put this powerful solution to work at an extreme “new member” price.

And lock in your discount of up to $1,699 before it expires!

Dear Fellow Investor,

This may surprise you…

But, as the Chief Investment Officer of The Motley Fool, if there’s one urgent and important question I probably hear more than all others from dedicated investors like you, it’s this:

“How do I continue to generate income in retirement, without running out of money in the process?”

It’s a problem that nearly every person in the country will face sooner or later.

Sure, you’ve spent your entire life working hard to accumulate a tidy lump sum to comfortably live off.

But things are costing more and more.

We’re living longer and longer.

And like it or not, life isn’t always just going to sit back and conveniently follow the financial plan you’ve come up with.

Air conditioners break. Cars need repairs. Fridges need replacing. Rates need paying.

These are things that can literally make or break whether you run out of money in retirement.

When you add them all up, it can feel like you’re trying to tip-toe through a minefield.

How are you supposed to keep up with it all, especially after you finally turn the tap off on those steady paycheques you’ve been relying on for so long?

Are you tired of watching your savings shrink?

You’ve worked hard to build a nest egg. But lately, it feels like you’re fighting a losing battle.

  • Inflation eats away at your savings.

  • Interest rates are better—but not enough to keep up with rising costs.

  • And chasing growth in the stock market? Feels as unpredictable as ever.

The truth is, relying on cash or lump sum strategies can feel like walking a tightrope without a safety net.

But here’s the good news…

And I’ll discuss more in just a moment, because owning shares is inherently riskier than just holding cash, I do think that having a healthy “cash buffer” is a crucial part of the dividend-share-focused strategy I’ll lay out for you today.

What it all boils down to is this...

My wife and I have worked hard our entire lives, and when we retire, I don’t just want us to “survive” life. I want us to enjoy it!

I'm sure you feel the same! But the question remains...

How exactly do I invest in dividend stocks? Because when you think about it, the question I asked above isn’t just one simple question.

It’s a bunch of complicated ones.

  • How do you know how often to withdraw funds? Once a week? Once a month?
  • How much do you withdraw when you do so?
  • How do you generate enough income to replenish what you’re taking out of your savings?
  • How do I select the best dividend stocks, ensuring my portfolio remains diversified?
  • What’s the best method to generate that income… or is it all really just a pipe dream?

The questions are innumerable. And when you add them all up, they can start to feel truly overwhelming.

But now, I want you to imagine a few things with me for a second…

Imagine being able to turn that lump sum you’ve saved up into a continuous income-producing "machine".

A "machine" designed to steadily churn out income "paycheques" month after month… year after year… even decade after decade.

And then imagine if these “paycheques” would be paid to you on such a reliable set schedule that you could literally write “PAY DAY” on an exact day each month on your kitchen calendar – in bold, red pen.

Because you’d always know precisely how much money you could afford to take out of your portfolio at any point in time…

With the specific goal of NOT cutting into the nest egg you worked so hard to build in the first place!

While this machine can’t exist outside of our imagination—we think we have created the next best thing…

It’s actually the ENTIRE GOAL of The Motley Fool’s “ultimate income service”, Motley Fool Everlasting Income.

We tend to keep this unique income project under tight wraps here at the Fool, and we only accept new members on rare occasions.

In fact, this is only the second time we've invited new members to take advantage of this unique and powerful solution this year!

But as you will already know, with so many challenges and worries currently facing retirement-focused savers, we feel there’s perhaps never been a more important time to make a solution like Everlasting Income available to our loyal membership base.

Of course, about now, you’re probably wondering…

How exactly does Motley Fool Everlasting Income work?

Good question. It’s pretty simple, really.

If you’re a longtime member, you already know full-well the quality of The Motley Fool’s investment research.

Well, what we’ve done here in Everlasting Income is pretty remarkable.

We’ve actually taken hundreds and hundreds of pages of that research, meticulously accumulated over the years… plus we’ve done even more original research to make sure we’ve searched far and wide…

And we’ve leveraged it to carefully construct an extremely well-balanced and highly diversified PORTFOLIO.

A portfolio made up exclusively of what we consider to be some of the highest quality dividend-paying shares the ASX has to offer.

Each and every one of the positions in the Everlasting Income portfolio has historically paid a robust dividend.

To my knowledge, it’s the first-ever “dividend only” portfolio in the history of The Motley Fool.

Let me stop and take a moment to note that we’re primarily gunning for safety and yield herenot capital gains, like every other service you’ll see from the Fool.

While we do firmly expect the portfolio to continue to grow steadily over time, our primary concern is to preserve your savings over the long term.

Because here’s the problem…

If your portfolio were to undergo a big downswing due to us picking higher volatility stocks, it wouldn’t be very useful in spitting out a steady stream of large cash paycheques on a consistent basis, would it?

Remember – this service is designed to hopefully turn your portfolio into a continuous income stream!

Based on our research, we’re confident that this service can help members build a portfolio that can spit out dividend cheque after dividend cheque after dividend cheque… and to just keep on churning out those dividend cheques (hopefully) indefinitely.

So it won’t pay in the long run to get risky with the kind of dividend shares we’re selecting for the portfolio.

You have to find that sweet spot between high yield and high quality. Any capital gains on top of that (which we’re confident can come over time) are the cherry on top.

That’s what we’re doing here in Everlasting Income.

But that’s not all…

Because our number one priority in Everlasting Income is of course to maximise income, we’ve gone to great lengths to research and design a portfolio service tailored specifically for dividend shares, many of which are paying FULLY FRANKED dividends to boot.

In fact, the franking percentage of the positions in our portfolio are coming in at over 65% for 2024.

Meaning that not only can you hopefully see some plump dividend cheques just flooding your portfolio with cash in Year 1…

You can also hope for a FAT CASH PAYMENT once a year directly from our dear friends at the ATO, in the form of your franking credits if you follow the Everlasting Income portfolio and it has the success we have researched and hoped for.

We call that BONUS DAY! And unlike other real-money portfolio services at The Motley Fool, where we build the portfolio out gradually over time…

The entire Everlasting Income portfolio will be available from Day 1 of your membership!

The second you become a member, you’ll unlock access to:

  • All 19 of the shares that we’ve identified what we think are some of the best dividend-paying stocks in all of the ASX, that make up the Everlasting Income portfolio (the same shares that I’ve invested my mother-in-law’s entire retirement portfolio in — that’s just how much confidence I have in the system we’ve created!).
  • Precisely how much of the Everlasting Income portfolio we’ve allocated to each share – as a percentage of the portfolio overall.
  • And how much cash we’re keeping aside, to deliver those regular monthly payments, aiming to hopefully ensure you never need to sell those stocks for that income.

Meaning that should you join today, you’ll actually be able to start mirroring the Everlasting Income portfolio on your own within mere minutes!

You can buy all of the positions in your own brokerage account (thus retaining complete control over your money), and do so with the confidence that you’re constructing a comprehensive and highly diversified portfolio in the process.

But here’s where I believe it gets truly exciting to be a member of Motley Fool Everlasting Income

With Everlasting Income’s incredibly helpful “Match Me” allocation tool, you’ll be able to input precisely how much YOU plan to invest to make your very own Everlasting Income portfolio…

Then the “Match Me” tool will instantly calculate the specific dollar amounts you should invest in each share in the portfolio – in order to match our suggested allocations!

Say you’ve saved up a sizable lump sum, and you want to invest it in the Everlasting Income portfolio.

This time, we’ll use $350,000 for our example.

Instead of having to tediously multiply that number by every single one of our suggested allocations by hand, you’ll simply:

1. Go to our private Motley Fool Everlasting Income members-only web site, which you’ll get full access to the instant you join.

2. Scroll down to our “Match Me” section and click to view your Portfolio.

3. Type in “$350,000.”

Then, the website will transform the entire Everlasting Income portfolio model to reflect the specific amount of money you’ve personally decided to invest.

And aside from those 19 share positions I’ve been telling you about, there will always be one additional position in your portfolio that can be more important than all the others…

Your “cash reserve.”

Now, Motley Fool services in the past have generally maintained a cash position in order to quickly pounce on unforeseen opportunities that may arise in the market…

But Motley Fool Everlasting Income is very, very different.

Instead of trying to capitalise on opportunity, that cash position will be used as a “cash buffer” that allows you to pay yourself steady income paycheque after steady income paycheque.

Which is why instead of automatically reinvesting those dividend payments that you’ll be bringing in every year (barring a dividend cut, of course), you’ll actually be sucking them directly into your cash reserve!

And this is where the Motley Fool Everlasting Income takes the concept of earning a consistent income (even before retirement) to truly unparalleled heights…

Because you’ve told us precisely how much money you’ve invested in your own Everlasting Income portfolio using the Match Me tool, you can also calculate just how much dividend income your particular portfolio lump sum can potentially yield. (Again, barring unforeseen events like dividend cuts. More on that in a bit…)

Which allows you to see specifically how much you’ll be able to draw from your cash buffer each and every month…

Allowing you to avoid nibbling away at your all-important savings directly!

Think back to what I said at the very beginning of this invitation.

The member problem we wanted to solve once and for all was two-fold:

“How do I continue to generate income once I retire, without running out of money in the process?”

Everlasting Income is designed to help you solve both problems simultaneously.

  1. So long as you keep a cash buffer in your portfolio at all times, you generally shouldn't need to erode your nest egg of portfolio shares.
  2. And as long as you don’t actually sell off any of those shares in order to draw income, they should have the ability to be able to replenish your cash buffer month after month with healthy, reliable dividends.

(Because remember – all of the positions in the Everlasting Income portfolio have historically paid a hefty dividend.)

The key component in all of this – and the part where so many everyday investors sadly fail – is knowing precisely how much you can afford to take out each month.

But that’s precisely where Motley Fool Everlasting Income shines.

See, once a month, we’ll actually send you a vital email recommending how much you can afford to take out of your cash buffer in income.

We call this day “Pay Day” – and it’s our most exciting day of the month here at Motley Fool Everlasting Income!

(I hope that it eventually becomes the most exciting day of your month, as well.)

Remember, because you’ve told us exactly how much you’re considering investing in the Everlasting Income portfolio… we already know down to the dollar how big the cash buffer you can draw from should be.

And because our Everlasting Income website’s technology has already done all of the complex maths behind the scenes, we also know how quickly your cash buffer should be replenished by the upcoming dividends you have scheduled to roll in.

By now, I hope you're starting to see the true value of Motley Fool Everlasting Income.

We’re taking all of these incredibly difficult choices that you have to make on a routine basis out of your hands…

That way, you can hopefully enjoy the kind of lifestyle that all of your hard work has allowed you to afford — instead of just spending all your time fretting about anxiety-inducing questions like these…

  • How do I know which dividend-paying shares I should buy?
  • How do I keep track of all the dividend payments that are constantly coming in?
  • When do I need to rebalance my portfolio?
  • How do I even begin to attempt to hedge against a market crash?
  • How do I know how often to withdraw cash?
  • How much cash should I withdraw, when I do so?
  • How do I make sure that the amount I withdraw doesn’t end up requiring me to eat into my share portfolio directly?

Because the second you join Motley Fool Everlasting Income, these are the kind of things we hope you can CEASE to worry about!

You see, while Everlasting Income is designed to help you preserve your wealth, its ultimate goal is really to help bring you more peace of mind. And really, what is more important?

I can’t think of too many things. And the fact that you’ve stuck with me this far tells me that you can’t either.

It also tells me that you’re giving Everlasting Income some real thought — which is great! To be honest, I think your timing couldn’t be better.

Especially when you consider that if you act before midnight Sunday night, you can put Everlasting Income to work for you for two full years at the LOW “New Member” PRICE — knocking a full $1,699 off what you might otherwise pay in the process!

Click here to claim your spot in Everlasting Income — and save up to $1,699!

Frankly, even at full price I think Everlasting Income represents a tremendous bargain for serious investors who have a meaningful amount of money they wish to protect — and live off — going forward.

Plus, remember: With Everlasting Income, you’re not just getting one or two stock picks each month…

Instead, you’ll be getting access to a fully managed real-money portfolio – including specific allocations to each and every position…

And day in and day out, my team and I will be taking on the enormous pressure of:

  • Staying fully up to date on every single position in the Everlasting Income portfolio, including all the breaking news… earnings calls… and press releases that accompany each stock (something that would completely overwhelm your average everyday investor).
  • Relentlessly scouring the market for new dividend shares, to see if any could be better than the current holdings in the Everlasting Income (we will never stop seeking to optimise the portfolio).
  • Keeping a watchful eye on the market and economy at large, in case something on a more macro scale that’s going on could potentially affect one of our positions.

...all so you don't have to!

And as you follow along, we'll let you know whenever we think immediate and decisive action needs to be taken inside this portfolio.

Be it selling out of a holding that’s cut its dividend to what I consider an unacceptable level for the portfolio… trimming back a position that’s run up of late and could be overvalued… or simply swapping in a gem of a dividend share that we've uncovered in our daily research.

We’ll send you an alert directly to your inbox, when we think you may need to act.

And of course, because this is The Motley Fool, we won’t make the trade in our portfolio until at least two days after we've alerted members.

Which makes it possible for you to truly get in on the “ground floor” of our next chapter here at Everlasting Income.

And don’t forget...

I’ve been using the very same strategy behind Everlasting Income to manage my family’s very own portfolio

In fact, my mother-in-law was the entire inspiration for the service in the first place! Here’s the backstory, as I told it to a friend shortly after I first launched it:

"Everlasting Income is a service that makes perfect sense to me, because that's how I'm managing my mother-in-law's money. She's retired now, and just wants to be able to know she can rely on a regular income, with the associated tax benefits.

She wanted to know she'd have enough to live on, and that she'd be able to draw a regular income from it for a long time. Preferably forever. So I needed to make sure she could have the income she needed, that that income would grow over time, and that she wasn't unduly impacted by swings in share prices.

Cash is obviously the safest option, but it doesn't grow over time. And I'm guessing I'm not the only person to have noticed today's low interest rates.

Property was also one of the potential choices, but there's no tax benefit, there's management hassles and costs, and it's a hyper-concentrated investment strategy

The investment strategy, then, was to select quality businesses, paying good dividends (the vast majority of which would be fully-franked). Companies that would stand the test of time.

High-yielding rubbish is no good – the dividends get cut and share prices fall, compounding the issue. Low-yielding high-growth companies are okay for many people, but they're not going to pay the bills.

We need a combination: quality businesses with strong yields that are expected to grow over time fit the bill perfectly… and that's just what we'll look for inside Everlasting Income."

In other words, it’s virtually impossible for anybody to be more committed to the philosophy and strategy behind Everlasting Income… as well as its goal of helping members continue generating significant wealth, either before or during retirement, while not sacrificing their nest egg in the process.

And the bottom line is that this is personal for me.

That said, my passion and commitment to Everlasting Income is far from the only reason I believe this is such a powerful resource for retirement-aged investors like you…

Meet Everlasting Income’s very own “ATO Insider” — and our ace up your sleeve!

As you and I both know, there’s quite possibly no country on the face of the earth with a more complex tax code than ours here in Australia.

But what if every single trade the Everlasting Income portfolio made were already optimised for tax effectiveness at a portfolio level by the watchful eye of our very own “ATO insider” boasting nearly a decade of experience at the Australian Tax Office?

And then you could just directly mirror each one of those trades yourself?

I think you’d agree that would be both an incredibly powerful and an incredibly reassuring benefit… and that you’d likely expect to invest with far more confidence and far more efficiency than you ever have in the past.

Which is why I’m so pleased to announce that this is possible for members of Motley Fool Everlasting Income!

You see, in the past, the extent of Motley Fool Australia’s foray into the tax realm has largely been limited to things like…

  • “Don’t sell too often, or you’ll pay more in taxes.”
  • “Buy fully franked dividends so you can get money back from the government.”
  • “Take advantage of the capital gains tax discount by holding for at least a year.”

About as basic as you can imagine.

But that won’t cut the mustard for Motley Fool Everlasting Income members, who need every conceivable advantage we can give them to maximise their income in retirement.

Previously working for the ATO, Ed Vesely is our lead Research Analyst and designated “tax pro” for Motley Fool Everlasting Income.

Considering his experience at the ATO, a Master of Business, and two Diplomas in Financial Services (Superannuation and Financial Planning), it’s pretty hard to imagine anybody with a better CV… or anybody you’d rather have on your side when it comes to Everlasting Income!

When we first launched Everlasting Income in 2017 Edward Vesely joined the service. A longtime tax professional with the Australian Tax Office, Edward spent the better part of a decade working in SMSF compliance and dispute resolution.

We refer to him as: "The Motley Fool’s very own ATO insider.” And should you join Everlasting Incomeyou’ll immediately gain the benefits of Edward’s extensive knowledge.

That’s because Everlasting Income members – and Everlasting Income members alone – will have access to Ed’s years of experience at the ATO.

He brings his wealth of experience… many of his tax saving tips, tricks, dos, and don’ts… and his intimate knowledge of superannuation and SMSFs exclusively to Everlasting Income members.

As you know, The Motley Fool doesn’t provide individualised tax guidance. But that doesn’t mean we can’t give members overarching guidance that you can easily follow.

(Of course, if you do need further advice about your individual situation, we’d always suggest speaking to your own personal tax advisor.)

As a member of Everlasting Income, you’ll be able to get general expert tax and superannuation advice from a noted tax professional who:

  • Has an intimate knowledge of the traps and pitfalls SMSF trustees are prone to making (all-too-often without even realising it!).
  • Can dramatically increase your own knowledge of how to manage the tax effectiveness of your personal portfolio in ways you never thought possible – with no additional fees like you’d normally have to pay.
  • Can help guide members through some of the most complex and detailed changes to superannuation in decades.

That’s because Ed will even be advising Everlasting Income members at large on nuances of the ever-changing superannuation rules…

As well as any that might soon be taking effect in the coming year.

Who knows how they could affect you personally?

Regardless, Ed will be there to help Everlasting Income members with general guidance in any way he can.

And with the end of the year bearing down on us, it's hard to imagine a better time to start taking advantage of Ed's unparalleled experience and expertise as a tax insider.

Again, while we can’t provide personalised tax advice, his general tax guidance is just one more reason I believe this portfolio service is without a doubt the single most powerful income-generating solution that’s ever been created.

And why I believe it’s perfect for anybody who’s managed to save up a tidy lump sum and wants to earn consistent income from it… without drawing down on it over the long term.

Even better, should you choose to put Ed, myself, and Everlasting Income to work for you starting today, you can lock in a discount of $1,699 on a two-year membership term…

Click here to claim your spot in Everlasting Income — and save up to $1,699!

And here’s something else to consider when you’re trying to weigh what we’re offering today against some of the other products and services out there that you’ve probably seen or heard about…

You and I both know that claims like these are all too frequent these days in the investment advisory business:

“50% annual returns – till the day you die!”

“Don’t lose a penny of your savings during the next financial crisis – guaranteed!”

“Make $25,000 on this short-term options play – with no downside!”

But here’s the funny thing about the people who are making those outlandish claims…

They never seem to be particularly eager to back their brilliant strategies or “proprietary systems” with their own investment capital, do they?

And I find that a little perplexing, to say the least.

After all, if your “secret sauce” really is that great, wouldn’t you want to profit off of it as well?

Sure, they’re fine with selling it to people like you and me. But, in our experience, they’re scared to death of stacking their own dollars behind it!

Listen, when you come across somebody asking you to pay money for something they themselves wouldn’t invest in, I’ve got just one word for you.


See, when I say that I truly believe Motley Fool Everlasting Income is the greatest way to earn steady and consistent income, while avoiding sacrificing your nest egg to do so…

You don’t need to simply take my word for it.

Because I’ve already put my own family's money right where MY mouth is!

The fact is that's just how confident I am that Motley Fool Everlasting Income is potentially the single best method I have ever seen or can imagine when it comes to generating consistent cash income…

What’s more, The Motley Fool is so confident in Everlasting Income’s ability to generate consistent cash income that we put $1,000,000 of our company’s own capital behind it!

Seems like a lot of money to put on the line, right?

But in a sense, not really.

Oh, it's certainly a lot of money. But the part I’d disagree with is the “putting it on the line.”

Sure, the market will fluctuate like it always does. History tells us that some years it’ll go down a bit like it has lately — but that most years it’ll go up.

So with the quality of shares that we’ve been unable to unearth (as you’ll see when you join, it’s an impressive list)… coupled with the fact that they all pay a quality dividend…

I largely expect our $1,000,000 to sit there and simply churn out dividend cheque after dividend cheque.

In fact, since first launching our Everlasting Income portfolio in March 2017 not only have we been able to grow the capital base we invested...

But on average we've paid out 5.08% in dividends, per annum, each year since inception, and have delivered around 1.35% more in franking credits on top of that – for a grossed up 6.43% yield (more, some years). And remember, that's without dipping into our capital!

Or, to put it in more concrete terms... 

Since we invested $1 million just under 7 years ago, we've collected over $380,000 in dividends and generated more than $108,000 in franking credits, all while paying out more than $303,000 in portfolio income 'paycheques'. And, best of all, the portfolio value is meaningfully higher than when we started!

Of course those monthly payouts are based on our $1,000,000 investment…

But please keep in mind, you don’t need $1,000,000 or anything near that much to begin taking advantage today (nor will you need to be retired, in case you were wondering about that).

As a matter of fact, Everlasting Income is intended for anybody who has even $100,000 or more already saved up — and wants to turn their portfolio into an income-generating machine.

And don’t forget… if you join us before midnight Sunday night you can knock up to a full $1,699 OFF of our standard retail price for two years — leaving you that much more money to put to work with Everlasting Income.

Plus, here’s one more very important thing to keep in mind...

With the rise in the cost of living prompting most of us to search for savings where we can, you just might be able to lock in a substantial tax benefit… 

Of course, you’ll need to speak to your accountant, but by our calculations some Fool members like you stand to potentially save hundreds of dollars in tax alone on our one-year price, depending on tax bracket and eligibility.

Which I hope you’ll agree makes the deal we’re offering you today even sweeter!

Click here to claim your spot in Everlasting Income — and save up to $1,699!

It also brings us to one final question you will need to answer before joining us today…

How much do you believe being a member of Everlasting Income is truly worth?

Consider this for a second...

Even the most generous of financial advisors usually charge a minimum 1% assets-under-management fee, in addition to often layering in some not-so-visible (or even downright hidden) trading fees on top of that…

That means that if you have $500,000 under management, they’re skimming $5,000 a year right off the top… and that’s without those pesky and obscure added fees… no matter how well they do with your money.

And I wager they’d even find some way to do so with a straight face.

Granted, unlike those guys, Motley Fool Everlasting Income won’t actually be managing your money on your behalf. Nor are we allowed to give personalised advice.

But we will still be telling members precisely which shares to own at any point in time in their portfolios… when to buy, sell, or rebalance… and exactly how much they can pay themselves in income each month.

Meaning that while you’ll technically still be executing the trades, you won’t have to do a shred of the days and weeks of painstaking research… intricate analysis… and complex calculations that go into managing a portfolio in an optimised manner.

Plus, you’ll still retain full access to — and control of — your money…

And all you have to do is simply follow along with everything we will be doing inside the Everlasting Income portfolio on our members-only website, as well as the instant alerts he’ll send you whenever he believes the portfolio needs to be adjusted.

All in all, this will take maybe 30 minutes of your time each month — if that!

(Of course, you can always spend far more, if you’d prefer!)

Hopefully, that mere 30 minutes a month could allow you to:

  • Turn your nest egg into a comprehensive and fully managed portfolio that churns out dividend “cheque” after dividend “cheque” on a schedule so consistent you could set your watch by it.
  • Always know precisely how much you can pay yourself each and every month, so as to avoid eating into your share portfolio directly.
  • Do both of the above under the watchful eye of an experienced tax professional, whose entire job is to make the Everlasting Income model portfolio as tax effective as humanly possible for all members!

When you think about it, you’d probably spend the same half hour reading over the monthly report from your wealth manager and trying to figure out what the heck they’ve been doing over the past 30 days.

Of course, they likely won’t have your money in a highly efficient dividend portfolio churning out massive monthly cash deposits.

And they certainly won’t be telling you how much to pay yourself in income each month, with the goal of not eating into your lump sum directly.

Frankly, nobody else that I know of provides a service of this kind…

Trust me, I’ve scoured the industry for comparable services or products.

They don’t exist.

So I hope you can understand why I truly believe that Everlasting Income is worth even more than our standard retail price of $1,499 per year.

Granted, that’s by no means “cheap.”

And if that seems somewhat pricey at first, I think you’ll like what you hear if you read on…

Here’s how you can immediately secure two full years of access to Everlasting Income — and save $1,699 in the process — if you act before midnight Sunday night…

I won’t sugar coat it…

2025 is shaping up to be yet another incredibly challenging – and historically volatile – one for investors who are seeking to generate income from their savings.

Which is why we’ve decided to make a couple of bold and unusual moves on behalf of investors like you right now — before the new year arrives…

First off, we agreed that we’d re-open the doors to Everlasting Income to new annual members – but for a limited time only

And secondly, in order to help ensure that nobody who might be able to benefit from this unique and powerful solution would have to miss out on the chance to put it to work for them because they found it too cost-prohibitive…

We further agreed that, until midnight Sunday, we'd make it possible for new members to join Everlasting Income for two full years for just $1,299.

I’d like to reiterate that that’s a full $1,699 (or 43%) OFF what you otherwise have to pay at our standard retail price…

And it's actually thousands less than many other investors gladly paid to get their foot in the door and access the full Everlasting Income portfolio when we initially launched it!

Do the maths, and you’ll see that works out to just $2.32 per day.

Not a bad deal for the chance to generate some easy income, is it?

I mentioned assets-under-management fees above. And how even the most generous of financial advisors and wealth managers charge 1% AUM.

Well, at $1,299 for two years of Everlasting Income, you’re paying just 0.26% of a $250,000 portfolio per year.

You’re paying just 0.13% of a $500,000 portfolio per year.

Have a million bucks saved up? You’re down to well under one tenth of one percent!

(What’s more, according to our very own “ATO insider” Ed Vesely, your membership fee in Everlasting Income could well be tax deductible – making it nearly a no-brainer!)

In other words, the more money you have, the less it costs as a percentage of your portfolio.

In fact, unlike every single mutual fund or wealth manager or financial advisor that I’ve ever heard of… as your lump sum goes up and up, the percentage of your portfolio the membership fee represents gets smaller and smaller.

Instead of bigger and bigger.

After all, it’s not like the work gets any harder for us! Why should you have to pay more for the exact same amount of work?

Plain and simple, Everlasting Income is intended as the be-all, end-all income solution for investors who’ve managed to save up a tidy lump.

Of course, I understand the price may still be prohibitive for many investors who haven’t saved up enough over the years.

And unfortunately, if you don't have a portfolio of at least $100,000 or more, Everlasting Income probably isn’t right for you.

(Though, I will point out, if you’d rather not take advantage of our very best deal, you can always just join us for a single year for $799 — which still represents a savings of $700 (or 46%) off what you might otherwise pay.)

The bottom line is that we’re really only looking for investors who are truly committed to Everlasting Income’s long-term investing philosophy to join us.

Speaking of which, I need to make one thing very clear before we go any further…

Because of the incredible amount of both time and labour that went into the construction of the Everlasting Income portfolio itself…

The extreme costs associated with that time and labour…

And the fact that this comprehensive portfolio is already fully assembled and ready for you to mirror the instant you join

It's important for you to know that we will not be able to offer our standard 30-day membership-fee-back guarantee policy on Motley Fool Everlasting Income.

In fact, we will be offering no refund policy whatsoever.

Again, I’m looking for the RIGHT investors to make history alongside us within Everlasting Income.

Is that you?

I hope so! Because the Everlasting Income portfolio is already fully assembled and cranking out income as you read this…

Remember, this isn’t a portfolio that is going to get built out over the coming months and years…

We already have well over $1,000,000 distributed across the Everlasting Income portfolio RIGHT NOW. All 19 of the positions have specific percentage allocations attached to them, and real cash to back those allocations up.

You’re just a couple of button clicks away from getting access to our private, “members only” website, where you’ll see the entire Everlasting Income portfolio the second the page loads.

It’s already sitting there waiting for you.

You can start creating your very own Everlasting Income portfolio and mirroring it with our “Match Me” tool within seconds of joining. But please remember…

This particular offer — along with your chance to save up to $1,699 on Everlasting Income — will disappear Sunday 29 December!

Yes, I put that in big, red letters because it’s the single most important part of this entire invitation.

Look, I already mentioned that I’m only looking for truly committed investors to join Everlasting Income.

Investors who are willing to commit to a strategy that aims to show them how to turn their shares into a continuous income-producing machine with a steady monthly “paycheque”… without sacrificing their savings over the long haul.

I meant what I said.

I hope Everlasting Income will truly change your life as you know it.

To give you peace of mind you likely never thought possible before, and to secure the lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to over the years.

But please remember, as much as I’d love for you to join us today, I can only honour the highly discounted offer terms you’ll see below through to 11:59 p.m. Sunday night.

And you should also know that I simply cannot guarantee that we’ll make an offer this generous on Everlasting Income again.

Meaning the next time we open Everlasting Income, pricing could be dramatically higher.

With that in mind, I’d urge you to click the button below (or simply scroll down to the order form below) to lock in your discount of up to $1,699 and start putting my team and me to work for you — while you still can

Click here to claim your spot in Everlasting Income — and save up to $1,699!

Or, if you’d prefer to secure your membership by phone, you can always feel free to ring our friendly Member Services team anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. AEST Monday to Friday at:

03 8592 4841

But please don’t delay! Because once the clock strikes midnight Sunday, this offer will disappear altogether!

To your final day of worrying about income in retirement!

Fool on!


Scott Phillips Signature

Scott Phillips | Chief Investment Officer Motley Fool Australia

P.S. — Don't forget, as an added bonus, your membership fee in Everlasting Income is very likely tax deductible. But don’t take my word for it… our very own “ATO insider” Ed Vesely says so! 

Our Guarantee

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Please remember: Motley Fool Everlasting Income is a unique solution delivering a lot of value up front. Therefore, we will not be offering our standard, 30-day membership fee back guarantee on this product. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the term.

By submitting your order, you are agreeing to our Subscription Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips. Data accurate as of 17 December 2024.

On purchase, your credit card will be charged with the amount chosen. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the term. You will receive a courtesy reminder email 30 days prior to your subscription renewing, detailing the terms and pricing of your renewal. This auto-renew feature does not obligate you in any way. You can turn it off or cancel at any time and the payments will stop. Please email us at [email protected] for more information.

Information provided on this order form will be subject to our Privacy Policy. By submitting your order, you are agreeing to our Subscription Terms of Service. We encourage you to review both documents For more information about The Motley Fool see our Financial Services Guide. Any money back guarantee is strictly limited to the subscription price paid for the product.

This report contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips. The Motley Fool has a clear and concise disclosure policy. All returns cited are hypothetical and based on the percentage change between the stock price at the time of recommendation and the current or sell price (if the position has been closed) at the time of publication. Brokerage, taxes and any other associated costs are not taken into account. Please remember that investments can go up and down. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns. Performance figures are not intended to be a forecast and The Motley Fool does not guarantee the performance of, or returns on any investment.