Lake Resources shares are the most traded today. What's going on?

Why are so many Lake Resources shares bouncing around today? We take a closer look.

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It's always fascinating to look at the ASX's trading data and see which ASX 200 shares have the highest trading volume each day.

Elevated trading volumes can be influenced by all sorts of factors. Share price rises, share price falls, ASX announcements… the list goes on. But so far this Friday, it's all about Lake Resources N.L. (ASX: LKE) shares.

According to, Lake Resources is currently the most traded share out of the entire S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO). No mean feat for a company that only joined the ASX 200 index last month.

As it currently stands, a sizeable 13.9 million Lake Resources shares have been traded on the ASX boards so far this Friday.

That's a lot more than the next-most traded ASX 200 share. That would be uranium share Paladin Energy Ltd (ASX: PDN), which has only had 12.36 million shares traded so far today.

So what has caused more than 13 million Lake Resources shares to find a new home so far today?

Why are Lake Resources shares topping the volume charts?

Well, there are no ASX announcements or news out of Lake Resources today. As such, it looks as though this high volume is the result of some good old-fashioned share price movements. Fortunately for investors, it's going the right way.

Today has seen Lake Resources shares rocket. The ASX 200 lithium stock has gained an impressive 8.21% so far to 75.8 cents a share after the company closed at 70 cents yesterday.

It's not exactly clear what is causing this share price action. But we can note that most ASX lithium shares are seeing similar moves today. Pilbara Minerals Ltd (ASX: PLS) shares are up by 7.95% so far today to $2.38, while Core Lithium Ltd (ASX: CXO) is up 4.74% to $1 a share. Liontown Resources Limited (ASX: LTR) takes the cake with its rise of 8.63% to $1.03 a share.

So it appears that this healthy share price rise across the ASX lithium space is resulting in Lake Resources claiming the most traded ASX 200 share crown so far today. Now, let's see if it can hold the title for the rest of the trading day.

Motley Fool contributor Sebastian Bowen has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia's parent company Motley Fool Holdings Inc. has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool Australia has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. This article contains general investment advice only (under AFSL 400691). Authorised by Scott Phillips.

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