It can be hard to fix your finances in a recession. Tough economic times can create a snowball effect if things are allowed to get out of control. In an ideal world, we'd love to be in a strong financial position before we fall on hard times, but that's not always the case.
Here are a few tips to help you whip your finances into shape, even as cash stops coming through the door.
Review your current situation
Before you can fix your finances, you must work out where the problem lies. It's not as simple as saying that cash is coming in and out of the door. I think it's a good chance to download your bank statements and see just where your money is going.
Once you've got a handle on your current situation, things should feel more in control. This is an important first step to take if you want to fix your finances when times are tough.
Create a step-by-step plan to fix your finances
Once you know the current situation, it's time to set about fixing the future. If we hit a recession and there's not much cash flow, reducing your spending is a good way to start.
Financial stress can be overwhelming if left to its own devices. Breaking down the long-term goal of financial stability and independence into small, achievable steps can make everything more manageable. Even if you can't increase your earnings, you can still take small steps to fix your finances. If you can change the way you think about money, this could put you on a path to financial freedom.
Create and stick to a tight budget
Budgeting is vital for the average person. Without a budget, it's hard to know where and how to use your money. A solid budget doesn't need to be anything complicated, just a basic sheet of what money there is and how it will be spent. If you want to fix your finances in a recession, a tight budget will go a long way to doing that.
Start investing when you get the chance
If you've managed to fix your finances already, now could be a good time to start investing in ASX shares. The S&P/ASX 200 Index (ASX: XJO) has slumped more than 20% lower in March and there could be several companies in the buy zone.
I like the looks of Telstra Corporation Ltd (ASX: TLS) and AGL Energy Limited (ASX: AGL) for non-cyclical earnings in a bear market.