The Orora Ltd (ASX: ORA) share price hit a 52-week high today on the back of a positive AGM and analyst presentations on 17 October. Both the chairman's and CEO's presentations highlighted outstanding results for FY2017 and presented a similar outlook for FY 2018.
Orora is an Australian manufacturer and supplier of packaging solutions, currently operating in Australia, New Zealand and North America, with headquarters in Hawthorn, Victoria.
The company's product range varies from glass bottles, aluminium cans, boxes and cartons to point-of-purchase displays and recycled paper. It also deals with packaging equipment and visual communication services, as well as providing printing and signage services.
In 2017 Orora released a 4.9% and 1.8% increase in its sales revenue and profit from continued operations respectively. Dividends (franked at 30%) declared for 2017 were 6c, representing a total 15.8% increase on the prior year.
Analysts at Credit Suisse are currently valuing Orora shares at $3.30.