Review: Is Motley Fool Dividend Investor worth the money?
What is Motley Fool Dividend Investor?
Motley Fool Dividend Investor is The Motley Fool Australia's stock picking service focused on dividend income.
Run by The Motley Fool's resident dividend income expert, Andrew Page, a 'DI' subscription does three things for its members:
1. Provides the best dividend income ASX stock idea for new money every month — that is, one new stock idea every month.
2. Offers coverage on every single stock recommendation ever made by Motley Fool Dividend Investor — that is, 'BUY, HOLD or SELL' ratings on every stock that the expert analyst team has ever recommended.
3. Gives them access to one of Australia's largest investing communities.
So what's the catch?
When it comes to finance we know, there's almost always a catch.
For access to Dividend Investor, members must pay a low yearly fee.
How much?
Surprisingly, not much at all (see below).
In fact, I'll tell you right now that it'll probably be one of best investments you'll ever make.
You see, not only do you get great stock ideas, potentially earning you some serious money as you journey through the wild world of sharemarkets, members of Motley Fool Dividend Investor are also told why the analysts have made their recommendation to buy, hold or sell.
It's a financial education journey as much as it is about making cold hard cash from dividends and share price growth.
How does Motley Fool Dividend Investor choose stocks?
The Dividend Investor approach could be broken down into four easy steps. Our dividend experts target companies with:
1. Proven businesses.
2. Quality management.
3. Dependable dividends.
4. Attractive yields.
Of course, there is a little more to it than that. But you get the idea.
You don't need me to explain why dividends can be a key driver of long-term wealth (record interest rates, sky-high property prices…the list goes on).
However, I will add one thing: In Australia, dividends can be extremely tax effective, if you invest long term. You've probably heard of franking credits a few times.
The Dividend Investor team know all about franking credits.
In fact, many of Dividend Investor's current BUY recommendations pay franking credits.