Yesterday, we posted this article about our new investment analyst, 12 week-old Ian Phillips, and his day-trading service.
"Buy and hold is dead…
The world is speeding up. High-frequency trading is taking over. At The Motley Fool, we're ready to join the party!
The long-term strategy that has worked for decades — almost unchallenged — is finally done. Over. Spent. It's time for the next generation to take over."
The new day-trading service would allow traders following the program to make huge profits in just minutes, and a likely return of 1,413% each month.
Thank you all for the emails you sent and the comments posted to our Facebook page. While a few of you wrote to say that you were ready to join the new service, many more suggested that the announcement was a joke.
"For a moment there I thought you'd flipped your lid," read one such email.
We haven't – well, not yet, anyway!
Ian really is Scott's son, but the day-trading baby was our April Fool's Day joke this year. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Far from being the newest day-trader on the block, Ian is the newest Fool on the block – and has the onesie to prove it.
At The Motley Fool, we'll never change our minds about buy and hold investing (and we're not likely to underrate Buffett, either!).
We're convinced — and an overwhelming amount of evidence shows — that a long-term investing strategy works best.
You won't be hearing any (serious) day trading recommendations from us. Instead, today and all year 'round we'll bring you investing ideas, commentary and recommendations, all framed by the long-term, buy and hold strategy that works best for investors like you – and us.
Oh, and when we told Ian about the gag, he thought it was the funniest thing he'd heard in ages!
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